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3 posts tagged with "gdb"

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define phead
set $ptr = $arg1
plistdata $arg0

document phead
Print the first element of a list. E.g., given the declaration
Glist *datalist;
g_list_add(datalist, "Hello");
view the list with something like
gdb> phead char datalist
gdb> pnext char
gdb> pnext char

This macro defines $ptr as the current pointed-to list struct,
and $pdata as the data in that list element.

define pnext
set $ptr = $ptr->next
plistdata $arg0

document pnext
You need to call phead first; that will set $ptr.
This macro will step forward in the list, then show the value at
that next element. Give the type of the list data as the only argument.

This macro defines $ptr as the current pointed-to list struct, and
$pdata as the data in that list element.